a pattern review and the ramblings of a sleep deprived mama

Do you ever wait to the absolute last minute to decide to make a gift? No? Just me, huh? It's not so much that I waited to the last minute and more that what I thought would be a quick and simple project ended up an all nighter. It started easily enough. I decided to order a pattern for a really cute personalized pillow that I've been eyeing for a while. When I realized it would make a cool gift for the birthday party we were going to today, I downloaded it here and got started. Things began to go downhill about 9 pm. I ended up having to use Wonder Under (purchased for another project) since I was out of Steam a Seam to make the letter appliques. That stuff is NOT cool. The paper backing did not want to peel off! I had to retrace several letters several times and still ended up with raggedy, half fusible letters. Sigh. Once I got through that, I thought I was home free. Nope. I guess I underestimated how hard satin stitching the inside of some of the letters would be. By 1 am, I was trying to unpick the stitching on the A's. That didn't go so well. That's where the little hearts come in. . . camouflage! Once I had the letters sewn on I was able to add the patchwork border rather quickly. That part's easy peasy.

There were a few moments where I was ready to just throw this thing in the trash but the idea of having to get up early to get a gift was motivation enough to keep on trucking. I finished up (sans stuffing and slipstitching) about 3am. I think the birthday girl really liked her pillow! Whew. All's well that ends well.

What did I learn? Start earlier. No more Wonder Under, ever. Blanket stitch instead of satin stitch, maybe? It really is a simple project, just time consuming, and with the proper supplies, you end up with a really cool pillow. If anyone has any tips or tricks for machine appliqueing, do share because I really do want to make another one of these pillows.

Thought I'd share a photo of my kiddo. I treated myself to a new camera this week and took a zillion photos today. This is one of my favorites. Hope everyone had a great weekend. I'm off to bed!


  1. What a cute project! I love how you "saved" the A's with those little hearts - I never would have known they weren't intended to be there.

    Love your picture of Sydney - the detail in the photo is so gorgeous! I love how you can see every strand of hair. So cool.

  2. Love the pillow.. so sweet and the picture of your daughter is wonderful!

  3. i have this too! Comes in great for boy gifts. There are tons of girly stuff to sew, but not much boy stuff. I made my nephew and cousin's son one, and they both LOVED THEM!

  4. Ummm....when will you be ready to make another? I cannot believe how cute this is. Why did I not think of something like this, as Oscar is my little pillow prince? I really really really want an Oscar pillow....

  5. You did a great job and the hearts are perfect!! I would do that again.
    I have found if I use bobbin thread a Schmetz 75/11 Embroidery needle and stabilizer under my fabric it does really good.

  6. Jessica-I left you a comment on FB. I'm going to experiment a bit tonight and see if I can speed up the process so I can sell some of these.

  7. you don't know me from eve..but what kind of camera did you get? i need a new one! i love those pillows, but i bet they do take some time! good job, the hearts did the trick!

  8. Jen- I got a Canon Rebel XS. It's the most basic DSLR Cannon makes but I'm loving it so far. I also got a 50mm f/1.8 lens (about $95 on that sucker is amazing. It lets in so much light you can take photos indoors at night with no flash and still get good photos.

  9. Lovely!

    I have the same problem with Wonder Under, too. It sure can kill the fun of a project when you aren't expecting it.

  10. I found you via Great site! You are now one of my faves :-)

    Kristie at OCD

  11. It's really cute^^!! I like!
    very colorful .. it's good for child

  12. I've been eyeing this pillow for a few years! I've never applique before (in fact the only sewing I have done since my freshman year of home ec many many years go only include a crayon roll and a very poorly made whimpsy doll). It looks great though and I love your choice of fabric!
