Sometimes you just need a little cute in your life

Finally, a gorgeous day outside! Just what I needed. I am no fan of cold weather. Makes me just want to hibernate. As I do a some work on the computer, I'm enjoying fresh air through an open window. The squirrels, probably as excited about the warm weather as I am, are a bit loud but not to the point of distraction. So motivating! The weather, not the squirrels.

Last week I discovered a fabulous Etsy shop called Material Gal. I semi-splurged and ordered a Plentiful Fabric Scrap Pack and received it yesterday. Lots and lots of cute scraps, some of which will be making an appearance in the shop just as soon as I create something from them. These surprise grab bags are perfect when you need a boost of inspiration - you get fresh new fabrics without having to spend a bundle.

I recently ordered a scale so that I could get a bit more high tech when it comes to shipping orders from the shop. I checked out several postal scales but not only were they ugly, they were pricey! I then went to, my go to source for product reviews, cool stuff, and free shipping. and came across this Escali kitchen scale! This adorable scale (looks like a toy, doesn't it?) was very highly rated and recommended, came in a rainbow of colors, doesn't take up space, and was affordable--only $25. I used Swagbucks to pay for it, so it ended up being free. I find it to be very accurate and am so glad I got it.

I've had an owl crush for quite some time now. I'd say it began last year around this time when I decided to redecorate my daughter's room. What can I say, they're just plain cute. I found a great pattern at Bit of Whimsy Dolls and whipped up a pair. They will be going in the shop just as soon as I can get some better photos. These owls make perfect buddies for little ones and I'm sure I will make lots. They're addictive!


  1. Who couldn't use some extra cute? And those owls are adorable!

  2. Thanks! They are really fun to make-my stress release from sewing purses, wallets, etc.

  3. Cute owls! They look cuddly! I love materialgal, I found her when I was looking for some aB love last year. And she's only a couple hours away so that makes shipping fast! yay!

  4. Lucky-you live close to Ikea AND good fabric? I'm in the middle of nowhere :(

  5. That Scale is a genius idea! When I get to the point of actually sending out mail I might have to get one :)

    And, your owls are the cutest!! I am definitely not the one to make stuffed animals lol

  6. just found your blog, its lovely and crafty blog. happy blogging

  7. Thank you both, Pattie and lady noire!

  8. Thanks for your input Vanessa, I really appreciate it!

  9. Vanessa I love all your items on Etsy, but I especially love the slouchy bag. The yellow one is adorable!!
